2.0 Linux

The command line and the superuser

The best way to fail big is to run blind applications without understanding them, avoid running commands as root, and avoid running commands you don’t understand.


Don’t use the root account!!! If anyone asks you to run script as root, or give access as root, be very suspicious of their intentions.

Understanding what are you running?

If you don’t understand what a command does, check the manual page first or help page.

# read manual
man <command>

# check help
<command> --help


When you don’t know what do to, google the problem, but if you don’t know what to search then it means your lacking fundamental knowledge.

Why are we using Linux?

Reasons why Linux is used in the industry:

  1. It’s free

  2. It’s open source

  3. It’s stable

  4. It’s secure

  5. It’s flexible

  6. It’s customizable

  7. It’s efficient

  8. It’s scalable

  9. It’s reliable

  10. It’s fast

  11. It’s easy to upgrade