5.1 Best practices

  1. Learn how to use git by playing https://ohmygit.org/

  2. Keep your commits small and focused on a single change, try not to update more than one service or component.

  3. Write clear, concise commit messages, a good example is to use the: Backlog #Task_Number Commit message “AzureBoards #12345 Initial Commit”

  4. Regularly pull and merge from the main branch to avoid conflicts and keep your branch up-to-date.

  5. Test your code before committing.

  6. Use pull requests for code review and collaboration.

  7. Avoid large binary files in your Git repository ( we use other tools for packages and artifacts)

  8. Use .gitignore files to exclude files that should not be tracked by Git.

  9. Use a branching strategy, such as Git Flow, to manage the development process.
    Is a git branching and release management workflow that helps developers keep track of features, hotfixes, and releases in bigger software projects.
    • Branch name for production releases: [master] - now main due to me2 movements

    • Branch name for “next release” development: [develop]

    • How to name your supporting branch prefixes

    • Feature branches [feature/]

    • Release branches [release/]

    • Hotfix branches [hotfix/]

    Semantic Versioning
  10. Back up your repository regularly.