4.7 Your first CLI


For building a cli (Command Line Interface) you can write pure Python (no external libraries) or use a library like:

Getting started

  1. Install click library.

    pip install click
  2. Create the directory and the file structure.

    cli  # directory project
    ├── devops_cli  # directory package
    │  ├── __init__.py
    │  └── devops_cli.py  # your script
    └── setup.py


    The Python interpreter is informed that a directory contains code for a Python module by the __init__.py file. A file named __init__.py may be empty. You cannot import modules into your project from another location without one.

  3. Write your first cli.

    import click
    import psutil
    def cli():
        """Simple command line tool to extract system information."""
    @cli.command("cpu", short_help="Show CPU")
    def cpu():
        """Shows CPU Resources."""
    @cli.command("disk", short_help="Show Disk")
    def disk():
        """Shows Disk Status."""