8.2 Running “Hello World”

Because Docker is installed next to the WSL we need to use Windows Powershell.

Running the wsl command with list and verbose arguments:

wsl -l -v

we should see

PS C:\Users\skillab> wsl -l -v
NAME                   STATE           VERSION
docker-desktop-data    Running         2
Ubuntu                 Running         2
docker-desktop         Running         2

To see if the docker is available we can run

PS C:\Users\skillab> docker --help

Usage:  docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND

A self-sufficient runtime for containers

To test if the Docker is installed correctly we can run

docker run hello-world

Docker uses isolated containers to run its processes. A process that runs on a host is called a container. The host could be local or remote. When a user runs the docker run command, a container process is launched that is isolated from the host by having its own file system, networking, and isolated process tree.