9.5 Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes

Docker Swarm and Kubernetes are both container orchestration systems, which means they are used to manage and scale containerized applications. However, there are some key differences between the two:

  1. Architecture: Docker Swarm is a simple and easy-to-use orchestration system that is built on top of Docker. It uses a single manager node and multiple worker nodes to manage and schedule containers. On the other hand, Kubernetes is a more complex and powerful orchestration system that uses a master-slave architecture, with multiple master and worker nodes that work together to manage and schedule containers.

  2. Scalability: Kubernetes is designed to handle large-scale deployments and can handle thousands of containers, while Docker Swarm is more limited and is typically used for smaller deployments.

  3. Flexibility: Kubernetes is more flexible and can run on a variety of platforms, including on-premises, in the cloud, and in hybrid environments. Docker Swarm is more limited and is typically used for deployments in a single environment.

  4. Features: Kubernetes has a more extensive set of features and built-in capabilities, such as self-healing, automatic scaling, and rolling updates. Docker Swarm has a more limited set of features, but it can be extended through the use of third-party tools.

  5. Community: Kubernetes has a larger and more active community, with more contributors and a larger number of third-party tools and services available. Docker Swarm has a smaller community, but it is still actively developed and supported.



Docker Swarm is for small projects and Kubernetes is for large projects.