Task 1

On the PostgreSQL instance:
  1. create a new table AWESOME_CAR with columns ID, MAKE, MODEL, YEAR, COLOR, and ENGINE.

  2. insert 5 different lines into the table.

  3. select only black cars from the table that are newer than 2000.

Task 2

Based on docker_examples/deploy_web_server update the index.html with your name, job, age, hobby, and favorite picture.

Task 3

Create a Dockerfile based on a Fedora that:

  1. create a user: docker_user that is part of docker_group with UID and GID 7007

  2. create the following directory structure:

├── main_directory
    ├── secondary_directory_1
    └── secondary_directory_2
  1. where main_directory is owned by docker_user and root and the rest only by docker_user and docker_group

  2. add hello world in the python script

  3. run script

Task 4

Based on the docker-compose example: - add another route /health that will give you status code 200 - update default route / based use the adjective and name from to generate a random string next to the number of times you’ve visited the website. - update the /python ``to load the data from `` and print a random python.